(530) 550-9111

Practice Members


Information for new practice members

1) Welcome and Practice Member Forms

Upon entering our office, you will be welcomed as a member of our family.  We will request that you complete our new practice member forms. This paperwork provides us with your health history and important information to help direct us in how we care for you. These forms are available to complete and download online. Children are always welcome to accompany you to your appointment.  Often, children are the first members of the family to join our practice. We have a special play area with toys and books, or they may be by your side.

2) Consultation

Next, you will have a consultation with Dr. Cathy to discuss you or your child’s health history, problems and/or concerns, and health goals. The purpose of this time is to learn more about you or your child, and your expectations. This helps us determine how chiropractic care and the special skill sets of our office, can meet your goals.

Every person is unique and therefore everyone requires a customized wellness plan. Please expect to spend approximately 45-60 minutes with us on your first visit.

Your second visit: 

Some of the common questions that will be addressed on your follow-up visit are: 

  1. How can you help me?

  2. What is wrong?

  3. How often do I need to come in?

  4. What will my chiropractic care cost?

  5. What are the things that I need to do to help myself in this process?

You will receive your first or second adjustment at this visit. Please allow 20-30 minutes in our office for your second visit.

3) Exam

After your consultation, Dr. Cathy will conduct a thorough examination. Your posture will be checked, you’ll be asked to bend and turn, your reflexes and muscle strength with be tested, and other orthopedic and neurological tests will be performed. The presence of retained primitive reflexes may be assessed if indicated. Your spine will be palpated and assessed for presence of vertebral subluxation.  Rachael or Jenna, our assistants, will be present in the room to take notes for recording your findings. Nothing will be done in our office without your consent. We encourage you to ask questions at anytime.

4) Diagnostic imaging:

Based on your examination findings, X-rays or other types of diagnostic imaging may be necessary. Dr. Cathy can write a prescription for you to have these done. There are a few options to have this done locally, depending on your situation. This will be discussed as needed with you. If you have any previous x-rays or diagnostic tests from other medical centers, it is helpful for us to see these. We may ask you to sign a release for our office to request these on your behalf.

5) Need for referral

If Dr. Cathy has the opinion that another health care professional, either in conjunction or instead of our office would best serve you, she will refer you in the appropriate direction. We have a strong network of health care providers working together in our community.

6) Adjustment

In most circumstances after your consultation and examination, you can choose to experience your first chiropractic adjustment. If more information is required first, such as x-rays or results of other tests, the first adjustment will wait until we have all the necessary information to take the best care of you as possible. Dr. Cathy will explain all that she is doing and finding so that you are aware and involved in the whole process.  We ask that you please ask as many questions as you wish. We find that the more you know and the more involved you are the better results we get.

7) Wellness Program

Prior to leaving, the doctor will suggest when best to make a follow up visit. At this subsequent visit, Dr. Cathy will have reviewed the results from your initial visit, and have suggestions for a wellness program for you to incorporate outside of care.  There may be other suggestions, such as delving deeper into neurological development, gastrointestinal or immune health, and nutritional advice. Rachael and Jenna will help you with this and accept your payment.